Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Glaicers melting in the dead of night...

I have a lot I need to do. I have a lot I want to do. Those two categories do not overlap in the least.

I haven't posted anything here in a couple weeks for two reasons. The first week I didn't have internet. And now, as I mentioned, I have a lot to do. I moved. Granted, I moved about 125 feet, but it's still moving just the same. Cole's room, my living room, and the bathroom are set up. My bedroom is a pile of whatever I don't know where to put. The kitchen is about halfway done - counting the fact that a shelf of coffee cups and a sink full of dirty dishes are still in my old house. Really should do something about that. Remember how I said the 'need to' and 'want to' list don't overlap?

I want to watch movies. I want to look for new music and movies and gadgets online. I want, most of all, to read.

I love to read. Something that I didn't do at all during college, and did extremely little while I was married. Basically, I didn't read for over four years, which is pretty criminal. Now that I rediscovered reading, I've also rediscovered getting lost in a book. And in the interest of responsibility, I've had to make some rules. The first is that I only read when everything else for the day is done. The second is that if I make an exception to rule #1 and read during some "free time" I might have (this does not happen often), I set an alarm to remind me of when I have to stop.

Some books are more addictive that others. Some books I pick up when I'm headed bedward without too much temptation throughout the day to abandon everything and read. Other books are so alluring that I rush through my tasks, all day just waiting to have the time to read those next pages. Right now I'm reading the Twilight series again ( yes, I know, I know, whatever). I apparently can no longer read a whole book in a night - I've been known to, more than once, read each of the first two books in a night. The third and fourth take a couple nights. Now I fall asleep. But I still find these books terribly addictive. Unlike the first movie, which I just find terrible... but that is for another time. Or maybe not.

I have a lot I need to do. Writing a blog, watching Ghostbusters, and letting Cole show me how far he can suck in his stomach aren't on the 'need to' list. Well, maybe the last one is.

: Don't cross the streams.
Venkman: Why?
Egon: It would be bad.
Venkman: I'm fuzzy on the whole good/bad thing. What do you mean, "bad"?
Egon: Try to imagine all life as you know it stopping instantaneously and every molecule in your body exploding at the speed of light.
Venkman: Right. That's bad. Okay.

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