Friday, December 31, 2010

I know this will be temporary...

Tonight, I am lazy. 

I've done stuff.  I made dinner.  It was chicken tenders and vegatables with cheese sauce, so not exactly a huge effort, but it counts!  I... hmmm.  I did other things, I'm sure. Cole and I watched some Doctor Who.  That boy loves the Doctor.  I'm so happy to be raising a geek.  I painted my nails... and then thoroughly messed them up and then took the paint off.  I'm considering repainting them, but that does seem like a lot of work. 

There is a spider in my house somewhere.  I'm trying to decide how much this bothers me.  Really, though, that seems like a lot of effort, too. 

I almost want to do stuff.  I guess it works better that I want things to be done, just not enough to do them. 

I do know that my Sirius radio trial in my car runs out in 6 days, and I'm not happy about it.  Rural Mississippi isn't really known for having an abundance of good, or even decent, radio stations that play remotely recent non-county music.  I call it "country music" only because that is what society calls it, but really, it's an oxymoron.  The problem with the Sirius radio is that they want money from you.  Which I don't have.  Not even a little bit.  So, I think I'm going to start a "Help Julie listen to good music" charitable fund.  Feel free to contact me for details on ho to contribute. 

There.  Now I've accomplished something.  


  1. I was about to post "Pandora!"... but when I got here, Martin already had!

    So I'll go with... iPod!
