Saturday, June 19, 2010

You've got a friend in me...

Can I please say something? Sure, it's you're blog, you can say what you like. Thank you. No problem. I'm saying this on the internet, so it hasta be true: When you formulate an opinion and then try to make the truth fit whatever you've already decided, you look like a moron. If you go to the Old Testament to defend your argument that instrumental music is okay, and then turn around and say that you only believe that pianos should be used in worship and anything else is overstepping, that also makes you look like an idiot. 'Cause I know that every decent Bible scholar can tell you how much King David liked to sing Amazing Grace and accompany himself on his Steinway.

Okay, so I've found (yet another) reason that I don't get dates. I was on a singles site and had a guy start chatting with me and I spent the entire 40 minutes debating with him about instrumental music. It is a church of Christ singles site ( and they guy said flat out in his profile that he had some issues with the Church, so I asked what they were. And - tada! - I'm pretty sure he will never talk to me again. Which is okay, since like I said, idiot.

I took Cole to see Toy Story 3 tonight. He was so excited that he was actually jumping up and down instead of walking through the lobby. I realized about 30 minutes into the movie that he was still clutching both of our ticket stubs. It's a great movie and does a good job of entertaining both the kids that saw Toy Story when it came out and the kids that have only seen it recently. I have a feeling I'm going to be hearing a lot about it in the next week. Cole was already quoting it in the car on the way home. :)


  1. Hmm, so how do you REALLY feel about him? lol. I read a book though by a baptist preacher that believed that, but once he studied it to see if he could use more, he concluded that he could use none.

    I'm wanting to see the movie. I'll have to wait till it comes out on DVD, but I'm excited.

  2. I have hard similar-ish issues with churchofchristsingles. Never an actual debate, but almost every girl I've found who otherwise seems like someone I'd like to know has some kooky issue or other listed on their profile.

    I'm excited about Toy Story 3... I've heard good things! I'm hoping to make it this week.

  3. Peyton, I think the site it a great concept. I also think I always end up chatting with the strangest guys. I probably don't want to know what that means about me...
