Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Can you dig it?

Today hasn't been a good day. 

I don't feel good.  B called and woke me up at 7 this morning ('cause I asked him to, not because he is mean) and I felt absolutely terrible.  I'm not a morning person anyways, so I'm quite sure that I was no fun at all to talk to.  Instead of getting up as I had planned to, I took some paracetamol and went back to sleep.  I thought I set my alarm, and maybe I did.  But I also set my clock ahead by about 15 minutes in the process.  So, I woke up at 9:18 and went running around the house for 20 minutes and left in a hurry... only to get 5 minutes down the road and realize that it was now ten minutes before I left.  And then I got to work and realized that I had forgotten Cole's tae kwon do uniform and going home to get it meant that we wouldn't make it to class.  And then Cole smashed his thumb in the front door...

And besides that we were just busy enough to keep me from being able to get things prepped and it was rainy and Cole was... well, he was Cole and very active and trying to be sweet, but he just mostly seemed to be in my way all the time.  You know, like a cat trying to get your attention and always being underfoot?  And then my boss accidentally came in a whole hour early, so I was able to get Cole's tae kwon do uniform and be at class on time.  And I voted.

You know what?  I'm going to change my perspective.  I've got a guy who's willing to put up with me on the phone even when I'm extremely grumpy.  I've got a job.  And a car.  And an awesome kiddo.  I've got the means to give my awesome kiddo things like tae kwon do classes.  I have a computer and internet access right in my living room.  I have a living room and a whole house complete with running water and electricity.  And I live in a country where I get to vote and I don't even have anybody threatening me with physical harm if I don't vote for who they want me to.  I've got it pretty good.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoy reading about your and Cole's adventures.
