Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Five gold rings!

I'm in the throes of Christmas shopping.  I do like Christmas, I just disapprove of anything Christmas being displayed before Thanksgiving is over.  Christmas things being displayed before Halloween flat out makes me mad.  But I do realize that it is prudent to start Christmas shopping a bit earlier than December 24th.  I'm actually about halfway done and I'm pretty happy about that! 

Tonight I asked Cole who he wanted to buy Christmas presents for.  I'm trying hard to make sure that he remembers Christmas is more about what you give than what you get.  And he does get really excited about picking out and buying presents, though usually the excitement of opening his presents overcomes his excitement of actually giving presents.  He was pretty excited tonight just making his list of people to buy for and what to buy them.  It ended up being a long list - 22 people.  Just about everyone he is related to, B, several friends and a few people that I really didn't expect to be on the list. He wants to buy at least three of us bicycles (including me... and I have a bicycle), and someone is down to get some oatmeal and a can of pears. 

Notice that I said he listed "just about" everyone he is related to?  That's because there was just one rather notable name missing.

His father. 

I honestly don't know how I feel about that. 


  1. Rings??? a mention of rings?....oh...not what I was thinking about ;-) And "throes"? Interesting choice of words. I usually think of throes with the following words "of agony". Which is more like my take on Christmas shopping.

  2. I hope I get some oatmeal and a can of pears.

    And I wouldn't know how to feel about that either. But, it does speak volumes.
