Saturday, December 11, 2010

You're wearing me out.... But I'm wearing you down.

I should be doing something.  I have plenty to choose from.  There's laundry, both the washing of it and the folding of it.  There are at least 6 loads of clean laundry on my couch right now, and I know there are 2 more loads that need to be washed... maybe 3.

There's cleaning up the kitchen.  The past few days I haven't really cooked, so it hasn't needed anything.  But tonight I decided to make fried pork chops and fried apples and have a couple of small fires in the process.  Nothing was harmed, but it did get kinda smokey for a a bit.  Seeing my chef's pan full of fried apples nearly engulfed in flames was... actually, I just thought it was pretty.

There's sweeping the floors.  I cut Cole's hair tonight.  I really just trimmed it up around the edges.  It is long enough to part now even though it is still trying to stick straight up, especially that cowlick in the back that he inherited from me.  Sorry, kiddo, your hair will always be stubborn.  I think the new hairstyle makes him look older.  I'm not sure how I feel about that.

I also could just go to bed.  I've been tired for over a week now and I think my body is revolting against me.  Maybe I'm getting old.  Maybe I'm trying to go into hibernation for the winter.

But instead of any of that, here I am.  I'm not even listening to music right now.  I'm just... here.  I feel like I'm waiting, but I'm not sure for what.  I feel like I'm forgetting something, too, or maybe just that I've forgotten to remember or remembered to forget... 

Laundry and Bones.  Now!


  1. I know how you feel. Just waiting. I always produce a lot of poetry when I have that feeling.

  2. Been there! Well, not the having a cute little boy part... and not the chef's pan on fire... but I know what you're talking about! Haha. I hope you got some good rest and remembered to forget or whatever... I think that one was a little over my head. ;)
